Glossary of Key Terms:
Action Plan – Guides departments as they follow up on recommendations from the Self-Study and External Review, develop realistic goals for improving or maintaining program quality; determine the steps and resources required to reach those goals; determine the people/groups responsible for each action; establish a timeline (before the next program review cycle) within which these steps will occur.
Annual Update – Brief, annual departmental self-assessments which help to maintain a consistent record of each year’s accomplishments and progress.
Concept Paper - Functions as a “pitch paper”. Its purpose is to gather and share preliminary information about the proposed program (e.g., its scope, rationale, goals, and target audience). The Concept Paper helps the College make an informed decision about how well the proposed program aligns with Langara’s strategic and academic priorities.
Consultation – A transparent, objective, documented process of ensuring that feedback from internal and external stakeholders is deliberately sought and considered.
Consultees - The individuals/groups the proponents consult during the development process. Internal consultees should include service and academic departments the proposed program may impact. external consultees could include the following: the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, post-secondary transfer partners, program advisory committee (PAC) members, industry representatives, community partners, receiving institutions, professional organizations, and accreditation bodies.
Course Learning Outcomes - Describe the essential learning that our students need to achieve, and reliably demonstrate, after completing a particular course. Course learning outcomes are the steppingstones that help students eventually achieve program learning outcomes. Therefore, it is essential that course learning outcomes align with program-level ones.
Credential - A citation, certificate, diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, post-degree certificate, or post-degree diploma as currently offered by Langara College under provisions of the F1001 Credential Policy.
Curriculum Map - A visual tool that allows faculty to collaboratively reflect on curriculum. Many variations of curriculum maps exist. The format used depends on what type of questions faculty have about their curriculum. A program-level curriculum map makes it easy for instructors to see which courses develop program learning outcomes and to what level. Mapping the curriculum allows instructors to easily see these gaps, overlaps, and inconsistencies to enhance their curriculum.
Curriculum Renewal - Any changes to a program or course that require re-approval by Education Council.
Deans – Academic Deans or the Dean of Continuing Studies.
Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB) - The DQAB was established to oversee the quality review process and make recommendations to the Minister on whether the criteria established by the Minister have been met for new degree approval (all institutions) and use of the word university (private and out of province public institutions). The DQAB has also has responsibility for conduct[ing] periodic audits of internal degree program review measures based on information provided by public postsecondary institutions to ensure that rigorous, ongoing program and institutional quality assessment processes have been implemented.
Equitable – Commitment to and provision of resources and supports that enable all learners to achieve their full potential, recognizing that learners’ needs, and experiences differ.
External Consultations – Goals of external consultations include assessing support for the proposed program / interest in participating in program development; confirming labour market need(s) the proposed program will meet; obtaining input on the proposed program; identifying any opportunities for collaboration with other BC public post-secondary institutions; identifying program pathways (i.e. degree completion pathways for Certificate/Diploma graduates).
External Review - Assessment procedure regarding the quality and effectiveness of the academic programs of an institution, its staffing, and/or its structure, carried out by external experts (peers) from similar institutions. A review is usually based on a self-study report or other written reports provided by the institution to ensure the institution meets established standards.
Feasibility Study/Stage 1 Review – Feasibility Study is used for Langara citations, certificates, diplomas, associate degrees, and post-degree programs. The Stage 1 Review is meant for baccalaureate degree programs and must be submitted to DQAB for review. Both fulfill similar functions: to gather information on the B.C. public post-secondary context and determine if there is a need for the proposed program based on internal and external consultations, student demand and labour-market trends.
Inclusive – Actively and intentionally honouring diversity of human experiences, identities and perspectives while fostering a sense of belonging.
Intercultural – Engaging with and bridging different cultural contexts including, but not limited to, ethnic or national culture, gender, ability, age, generation, socio-economic status or sexual orientation.
Institutional Response – A short, written statement that acknowledges the Action Plan’s goals and articulates how the College intends to support the implementation of these goals. The Dean and VPA write the institutional response.
Internal Consultations – Goals of internal consultations include identifying impacts the proposed program may have on existing resources, services, and current programs; identifying funding sources to implement the proposed program; and identifying projected enrolment/enrolment plan.
Learning Outcomes - Statements that describe what students need to know, value and be able to do after a particular learning experience. Learning outcomes guide the design of programs, courses, and modules.
New Program Proposal - Contains detailed information (e.g., rationale and description, admissions and transfer, curriculum) about the proposed program. Must also be accompanied by completed Education Council forms for both the new program and associated curriculum. Should include number of program hours/units, expected time to completion (on part-time and/or full-time basis), program concentrations, delivery methods, desired outcomes (i.e. skill development, program learning outcomes), and target student groups.
Program Advisory Committee - Facilitates relationships with employer groups, community organizations, and professional associations for both Regular Studies and Continuing Studies programming. They provide timely and responsive feedback to assure the relevance of the program in preparing students for employment.
Program Development – Creation of a new program (i.e., credential).
Program Learning Outcomes – Broad statements that describe the essential learning that our students need to achieve, and reliably demonstrate, after completing ALL required courses in a program. This type of outcome reflects complex learning that is the culmination of the knowledge and skills learned in the required courses within a program.
Program - A set of courses or a course of study that leads to a credential.
Proponents - The individuals/groups proposing and developing the new program.
Quality Assurance Process Audit - An evidence-based process undertaken through peer review that investigates the procedures and mechanisms by which an institution ensures its quality assurance and quality enhancement.
Self-Study - A systematic assessment institution undertakes to measure its performance against its stated institutional objectives. A self-study is undertaken by faculty members and administrators of the program. It is based on evidence relating to program performance, including strengths and weaknesses, desired improvements, and future directions.
Social Justice – Removing systemic barriers to ensure equity within our learning community.
Student – An individual who is registered in a course or program at the College and is a nonvoting member of the committee.
Transition Plan - Identify the impacts of proposed changes on currently enrolled, admitted, or waitlisted students. The type of transition plan to put into place will depend on the type of changes being proposed. Consult with the Associate Registrar when developing your transition plan.
Vetting Bodies - The individuals/groups vetting the new program proposal. Includes Dean of the area that will host the proposed program, VPAS, DDDC, SLT, CRC, EdCo, BoG, PSIPS, and DQAB.
Acronym Key:
APPC - Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (formerly known as DDDC)
AQA - Office of Academic Quality Assurance
BoG – Board of Governors
CRC - Curriculum Review Committee is a standing committee of Education Council
DQAB – Degree Quality Assurance Board
EdCo - Education Council
IR - Institutional Research
PAC – Program Advisory Committee
PSIPS - Post-Secondary Institution Proposal System
QAPA - Quality Assurance Process Audit
RES - Registration & Enrolment Services
ELT - Executive Leadership Team
TCDC - Teaching and Curriculum Development Centre
VPA - Vice President, Academic
VPAS – Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and Students
WG – Working Group. Usually consist of faculty members with expertise in the subject